True RV

True RV

Towable RVs offer many advantages over the full-sized motorhomes. They are less expensive initially, more reliable, and they provide the convenience of a detachable vehicle that can be used to explore an area or run errands.
Travel Trailers are large portable containers filled with living spaces and all of the conveniences of home. They are constructed on top of a standard trailer frame and are equipped with a number of amenities. Trailers can be kept simple, or filled with every luxury imaginable. They may have their own water supplies, kitchens, bathrooms and small refrigerators. Sizes can vary dramatically, and some are outfitted with sections that expand to provide campers with even more interior space to stretch out in.
The main advantages of a traditional travel trailer is the variety of towing vehicles that can be used. These RVs connect with a standard ball hitch receiver. They can be pulled with any truck, van or SUV that is rated to the handle the weight capacity. There is no need to purchase a separate vehicle to service any specific requirements.
Like all trailers, they can be difficult to maneuver with. It may also be nearly impossible to drive in reverse while it is attached. For those with extended living quarters in the rear, tail swing becomes an issue while driving down the road. Trailers also need to be level, and the setup and removal of the tow vehicle can become problematic.
Depending on the budget, a travel trailer system may work well for small families and fulltime campers alike.


• Tow with a variety of different vehicles
• Less expensive than a full sized motorhome
• Towing vehicle may be used for errands and excursions


• Difficult to maneuver in restricted areas
• Driver must be aware of excessive tail swing
• Harder to drive in reverse compared to 5th Wheel.

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